I'm a

UX/UI Designer

User Researcher

Service Designer

Problem Solver


I'm a

UX/UI Designer

User Researcher

Service Designer

Problem Solver


View CV

I'll make your website

My story

I'm a generalist, multidisciplinary designer with a background in Computer Science currently focused on enterprise software and service design for large organisations. I'm driven by a mission to help people solve problems they face in their daily lives by harnessing the power of design and technology. My philosophy is to craft experiences that are intuitive and impactful for users while improving business operations.

My journey

Explore my education and career journey in the field.
2018 - 2021
Computer Science BSc (Hons)
Brunel University London
I started out my journey in tech when studying Computer Science at university, where during my second year I learnt about the world of Experience Design.

I’m able to leverage my Computer Science degree background to understand important aspects of development, such as being involved in the data architecture process and I’m aware of technical limitations that may affect a project.

As well as learning about the world of Experience Design, I enjoyed learning about topics like Affective Computing, having designed and developed a Virtual Learning Environment that leverages emotion tracking software to improve the learning experience for students for my final year project.
Summer 2021
UX/UI Design Bootcamp
To pursue my interest in the field, I undertook an online bootcamp with Memorisely to upskill in UX/UI Design. This is where I learnt about the latest tools and frameworks in the industry and was able to put theory into practice by applying my knowledge on two real-world case studies, which I collaborated on with another design student.
2021 - Present
Senior UX Designer
Astraeus Consulting
I'm a SC cleared UX Design Consultant deployed to the UK Ministry of Defence to drive the support for digital transformation through the use of Microsoft Power Platform.

I started out as Junior UX Designer and progressed, having undertaken a variety of Statement of Work (SoW) projects for different business areas in the British Army. My role has been twofold, ranging from providing UX Design & Research consulting as well as Power Platform consulting, which has bolstered my capabaility as a multidisciplinary designer.
UX Research
UX Research

Lumio, previously called Foenix, was a social media analytics company that helped brands like Audi, David Jones and Red Balloon source legitimate influencers for social media campaigns.

“We were essentially the Instagram police and called out fake influencers left, right and centre. It was fun and all, but there is only so many bikini chicks you can look at on Instagram before you start losing your mind.”

Dan, Co-founder and CEO of Lumio

Summer 2022
UX Research Bootcamp
After spending a year in the field, I wanted to bolster my knowledge in User Research, which lead to take another online bootcamp with Memorisely. During this intensive 5-week bootcamp, I learnt about the following:

- Generative & evaluative research methods
- Quantitative & qualitative research
- Moderated & unmoderated usability testing
Lumio gets acquired by German company, Influencer DB. Yeww! 🎉

“After this, we both took up golf on during the week and started eating fancy dinners at the local Country Club... Ha. This is not what happened at all. We suck at golf and love eating Guzman Y Gomez.”

Adam, Co-founder of Lumio

Spring 2022
Flux Academy
As part of my journey to learn other low-code/no-code tools, I undertook the Webflow masterclass from Flux Academy to educate myself on how to build responsibe websites and leverage CMS capabilities. Learning about web design enabled me to bolster my UX/UI Design knowledge and grasp a better understanding of the world of web design.
Winter 2022
After spending time apart, Dan and Adam begin to plan their next moves and rekindle their business partnership.

The name "Relume" is born.



To relight or rekindle (a light, flame, etc.)

Enterprise Design Thinking
With my role revolving around solving enterprise problems, I undertook the Practitioner and Co-creator courses to learn how to apply design thinking to help organisations solve complex problems and drive innovation. The knowledge acquired from these courses have been valuable to my career and have been able to apply frameworks and techniques into my solutions.


As this is an ever-growing field with new frameworks and technologies being released it's important for me to keep up to date with the latest trends in the industry. Learning is important to me so I try my best to upskill in the different disciplines to bolster my capabilities as a designer.

My skills

UX Strategy
Remote Ideation
Design Systems
Usability Testing
Service Design
Problem Solving
Interaction Design
User Research
Remote Factilitation
Information Architecture
Critical Thinking
Problem Solving
Service Design
Usability Testing
Service Design
Problem Solving
Interaction Design
User Research
Remote Facilitation
Information Architecture
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Learning is important to me, which is why I enjoy reading a variety of books in the field. Here is a selection of some of my favourite books.